We are so happy to have Michael in nursery. Since there are only 4 kids in our nursery, they let him in early.
18 Month Stats
*Weight 27 lbs. (69th percentile)
*Height 33 1/2 in. (86th percentile)
*Head Circumference 19 1/2 in. (91st percentile)
... yes, it's like an orange on a toothpick.
*Being outside. He can entertain himself literally for hours. I can weed the whole yard & still have to drag him in when I am done.
*Water. He loves playing in the sink & with his squirt bottle. We are looking forward to grandparents opening the pool when it warms up.
*Walking sideways & backwards
*Playing in the garage
*Walking in my shoes
*Making messes
1 comment:
Michael is so adorable! Seriously, the cutest little kid. He looks tall! It was so fun to see you at the office!
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