Monday, April 21, 2008

I can sit up..........maybe not.

Michael loves sitting up now but he eventually gets too excited or reaches too far and crashes. It's fun because every day he seems to get better at it. Next up is crawling.


Ames Family said...

What a cute little man! He is getting so big Mon! Darling pictures. Check out Jill's blog at, and get in touch with her about the tie party.

Britters and Parx said...

Hey Moser! We are going private. POst me your email to our going private email and I will invite you!

Alli grins said...

I am laughing my buns off at you pic of Mickey turfing it head first! At least he had a soft landing! What a handsome little guy! I just love him! Claire is sitting here on my lap while I try to type... She just squealed when she saw Mike. She tried to reach out and touch the screen and was so happy to see him! Love you...